Musta on tullut ihan kynsifanaatikko ja teen nykyään uuden lakkauksen melkeen joka päivä. Halusin kokeilla tota ihanaa tummanvihreää ja yhteen kynteen sinistä tolla samalla kultatippilakkauksella, ihan vaan nähdäkseni miten se sopii. Tykkään vihreästä kyllä enemmän koska se on matta ja jotenkin tosi ihana, hihi. Olin tänään poikakaverin perheen kanssa puutarhakaupassa ja se onkin sitten tyyliin ainoa asia, mitä oon tänään tehnyt. Lomailu ei oo kauheen rasittavaa, lol. Illalla mennään mun kotiin poikaystävän kanssa viettämään vähän kahdenkeskeistä aikaa, koska oon nyt koko loman lähinnä asunut täällä, ja viettäny päivät poikaystävän perheen kanssa kun se on itse ollut töissä. En kyllä valita. Viimeisessä kuvassa rakas ystävämme Yakov. :-D
+ I've become absolutely obsessed with nail varnish and been changing my nail polish nearly every day. Today I wanted to see how the green would turn out with the golden tips, and also painted one nail blue to see which one was better. I prefer the green one, as it's matte and just somehow goes better with the gold, I think. Anyhow, today, like all the other days of this Easter holiday, I've been doing barely anything. My boyfriend's family went to the garden centre to buy some flowers in the morning and asked me to join so besides that I've been only painting my nails and drinking tea. Lazy holidays with bf's family are pretty nice, the only bugger is that my boyfriend is always working. Tonight we will head to my place and have some relaxing time together, since I've been basically living around his for the past 8 days. In the last pic there is our dear friend Yakov, lol. :-D
+ I've become absolutely obsessed with nail varnish and been changing my nail polish nearly every day. Today I wanted to see how the green would turn out with the golden tips, and also painted one nail blue to see which one was better. I prefer the green one, as it's matte and just somehow goes better with the gold, I think. Anyhow, today, like all the other days of this Easter holiday, I've been doing barely anything. My boyfriend's family went to the garden centre to buy some flowers in the morning and asked me to join so besides that I've been only painting my nails and drinking tea. Lazy holidays with bf's family are pretty nice, the only bugger is that my boyfriend is always working. Tonight we will head to my place and have some relaxing time together, since I've been basically living around his for the past 8 days. In the last pic there is our dear friend Yakov, lol. :-D
3 kommenttia:
kivoi kuvei! mutta en hirveesti pidä noistä kynsistä... muistuttaa jotenkin liikaa kilpikonnaa :DD
Kivat kynnet!
Olen uusi bloggaaja ja etsin kävijöitä blogiini. Käythän katsomassa uuden blogini osoitteesta:
Aino: Ne on ihanat! <3
Anonyymi: Kiitos ja kävin kurkkaa. :-)
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