HAHAHA sorry about the ending, I had to be quick because I heard kids going to the toilet to brush their teeth and I didn't want them to hear me, lol! :-D
2 kommenttia:
hei aaaah, voitko antaa ton aksentin mulle?? ;))) tykkäsin tosi paljon tost parti-moovista ;DD
Hi ya, I'm a 21-year-old Finnish girl, living in Cambridge, England. I work in Boots and when I'm off duty I usually hunt for bargain nail polishes, enjoy the beautiful world, laugh with my friends, or sip a take away latte. ♥
2 kommenttia:
hei aaaah, voitko antaa ton aksentin mulle?? ;))) tykkäsin tosi paljon tost parti-moovista ;DD
Erika: Okei tuu hakee! Haha partiiiii! ;-) <3
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