+ Happy Valentine's day you lovelies! <3 That chocolate in the picture is heavenly good and so are those cookies, too! I took my nail polish off yesterday and today my nails have been whole day without nail polish. This happened for the first time in six months, wow. For being Valentine's day this day has been quite nice. In the morning I had Swedish listening exam and it was okay, hopefully. I've also been at home, watched telly and talked with people on the different sides of the world. :-) Last night was freezing here and in the morning there was around -26 degrees celsius cold outside, gawd. I hope it's going to be like 0° on Thursday when we have Abiturient party but that may be just wishful thinking. However, remember to eat chocolate and watch at least one syrupy romantic movie! ;-)
14. helmikuuta 2011
Hertan päivä
+ Happy Valentine's day you lovelies! <3 That chocolate in the picture is heavenly good and so are those cookies, too! I took my nail polish off yesterday and today my nails have been whole day without nail polish. This happened for the first time in six months, wow. For being Valentine's day this day has been quite nice. In the morning I had Swedish listening exam and it was okay, hopefully. I've also been at home, watched telly and talked with people on the different sides of the world. :-) Last night was freezing here and in the morning there was around -26 degrees celsius cold outside, gawd. I hope it's going to be like 0° on Thursday when we have Abiturient party but that may be just wishful thinking. However, remember to eat chocolate and watch at least one syrupy romantic movie! ;-)
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8 kommenttia:
samoin sulle ♥
hyvää ystävänpäivää sulle myös :-)<3 ja ihan täydellset kynnet! jos annan mun kynsien kasvaa noin pitkiksi ni niist tulee ihan epämuodostuneet, ihan epistä :DD
thank you! wish you all the best too;)
Hyvää ystävänpäivää Johanna!<3 JA NOI KEKSIT ON PARHAITA<3 oikeest ihan superhyvii namiiiiii :pp
onnee kuunteluun! :)
Toi suklaa ja sit kans toi keksi näyttää kyllä mahottoman hyviltä! :)
Täytyy kyl sanoo et se enkun kuuntelu ei ollu yhtään sen helpompi kun ruotsin kuuntelu...
oi nam mitä suklaata! :-D ja jestas ko pitkät kynnet! mäki haluan! :-D mun omat halkeilee ja katkee aina ko on edes vähän kasvamassa :-(
LOL, oon aika pro askartelemaan kortteja! XD ja joo aika kiva pituusero nois peukunkynsis, pakko myöntää ;D mut oikeest enkku oli ihan KAMALA, varmaa kauhein enkun yo, minkä oon ikinä tehny...!!! :/
Riikka: :-))
Henna: Hahaaa noi on kyl koht liian pitkät jo! :-D ps. Kirjotin sulle tänään! ;-D
Alena: Thanks! :-)
Liisa: Kiitos Liisa ja samaa sulle! <3 Ja iin onnnn, ihan liian hyvii!
Anniina: NE ON! Enkun kuuntelu oli ihan hassu.
Laura: Niinpää! Sun pitää rasvata kynsii ja sit jos lohkee nii sikana lakkaa päälle nii kyllä kasvaa takas! XD
Erika: Lol, oot paras! ;-) Se oli ihan outo ja mä en osaa ees sanoo yhtään miten se meni! Sä saat kuitenki ällän! :-D
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